Tag Archives: superfood

Alkaline Food Benefits

Disease flourishes in an acidic environment. It is important to balance your diet and take in foods that buffer the acid.



Your body is either acidic or alkaline. An acidic body is a set up for just about every kind of disease. Free radical damage flourishes in an acidic body and can lead to aging and all of the diseases of aging, which are called chronic degenerative diseases. 

What causes an acidic body? The list will sound familiar I’m sure. Junk foods, excess sugar, fried foods, and even stress can cause acidification and set you up for health problems. How do we most effectively avoid acidification? Certainly avoiding the causes we just referred to is advisable. However, the best way to avoid an acidic body is to alkalize! 

Basically, animal foods, meat, and dairy are acidifying, whereas plants, such as fruits and vegetables, are alkalizing. Grains are slightly acidifying. It turns out that the super foods for alkalizing are green foods. The deeper the green, the more effective the alkalizing effect. When your body stays alkaline, it is much easier for the immune system to do its job of keeping you healthy. 

Staying properly hydrated is also essential to keeping your body alkaline. A dehydrated body is an acidic body. I recommend drinking one half your weight in ounces of purified water each day. So, if you weigh 150 pounds, you need 75 ounces of water daily.

Today is the best day to start to become a lean, green, disease- fighting machine. Green foods are loaded with minerals, especially magnesium and potassium, which are not consumed in adequate amounts by most Americans. Choose salads every chance you can, especially ones made with darker lettuces, such as romaine.

As you begin your journey to alkalization, include Greens™ to support this nutritious diet. This alkalizing drink powder is packed with the nutritional value of 8+ servings of fruits and vegetables and 38 herbs and nutrient-rich superfoods in every scoop. Greens is powered by an acidity-fighting blend of magnesium and potassium—those two important minerals that most of us aren’t getting enough of—to support an alkaline balance within your body. In two delicious flavors—orange or berry—and three different size options, you have all kinds of ways to get your daily Greens!


It’s maximum support for your best health, all in a tangy orange flavor.


  • Detoxify, alkalize, and promote pH balance within the body
  • Acidity-fighting magnesium and potassium blend
  • Cutting-edge probiotic support for digestive health
  • 38 herbs and nutrient-rich superfoods
  • 8+ servings of fruits and vegetables in every scoop
  • Free radical-fighting antioxidants


View Ingredients

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DETOXIFY with 38 herbs and nutrient rich SUPER FOODS

Did you know that on average, Americans eat green leafy vegetables only once or twice a week? And, that probably means a dried up iceberg lettuce salad topped with gobs of unhealthy salad dressing. With greens being recognized as one of the most inexpensive sources of so many vital nutrients, this is truly sad news. What exactly do greens do for you?  Well, being low in calories, leafy vegetables help you maintain ideal weight, for one. They also reduce risks of cancer, type 2 diabetes, stroke and heart disease because they are low  in fat, high in fiber and rich in nutrients like folic acid, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, lutein, beta-cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin, vitamin K, quercitin,  beta-carotene and more.

The magnesium in greens helps folks with type 2 diabetes.  The vitamin K helps ensure bone health.  One study found that the risk of hip fracture in middle-aged women decreased 45% when they ate one or more servings of leafy greens every day! Greens also boost immune function (a factor in allergies) and ensure eye health.

Leafy greens offer a rainbow of flavors:  sweet, bitter, peppery and earthy. Collards, Swiss chard, bok choy, and spinach have a mild taste, while arugula, mizuna and mustard greens are excitingly spicy. Whatever kinds of greens you choose, look for crisp leaves with a fresh vibrant green color–the darker the color, the richer the nutritional value.

While no substitute for greens, It Works’ Recommended Complete Health Package features all the nutrients your body needs on a daily basis for detoxification and complete balancing of your immune system. If you are not eating two to three fruit, four to six vegetable and five to 11 whole grain servings every day (grown organically and locally and not picked until ripe), your body needs supplemental nutrients.


These specific vitamins, minerals and co-factors are all supplied in the Recommended Complete Health Package. Why take a chance on being deficient? Cover all the bases! Give your body everything it needs to get and stay healthy naturally. 


It Works Greens are filled with free radical fighting nutrients that work to bring our bodies to an alkaline state. When alkalinity is restored our bodies tend to work better overall and are better equipped to fight off sickness. Acidic bodies are more prone to illness so It Works Greens is formulated to help lower the acidity level and bring our blood to its appropriate PH balance of 7.35 to 7.45. Our bodies are always trying to sustain that level and self correct intake of high acidic foods or environments. Greens helps give our bodies’ internal regulating system the boost it needs when trying to self-correct and restore alkalinity.

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Tips to transform your body inside and out





  • Experience quicker post-workout recovery
  • Build lean muscle mass with fewer calories
  • Maintain healthy cholesterol levels
  • Get feel-good, mood-elevating energy with maca and cacao powder
  • Promote healthy digestion with seven different soluble and insoluble fibers


Cut diet-killing cravings and absorb less fat and carbs—after you’ve eaten them—with Advanced Formula Fat Fighter

  • Blocks some of the fat & carbs from meals
  • Helps balance healthy blood glucose level and reduce cravings
  • Designed to be taken up to an hour after meals
  • Cactus-based formula
  • Does not contain shellfish



Get the core nutrients you need right when your body needs them with the cutting edge ingredients of It’s Vital Core Nutrition. This plant-based, whole-food multivitamin supplies the essential antioxidants, phytonutrients, and vitamins you need throughout the day with controlled-release technology, giving you sustained nourishment for up to 12 hours. It’s core nutrition for your best health!

mediumsix-pack-wrapDo an at-home body wrap atleast once per week. The Ultimate Body Applicator is great way to do that last minute tightening wherever you apply it (arms, legs, abs, chin, ect…).


Get the nutritional boost of 8+ servings of fruits and veggies in every glass of Greens
(Berry flavor is my favorite)
  • Detoxify, alkalize, and promote pH balance within the body
  • Acidity-fighting magnesium and potassium blend
  • Cutting-edge probiotic support for digestive health
  • 38 herbs and nutrient-rich superfoods
  • 8+ servings of fruits and vegetables in every scoop
  • Free radical-fighting antioxidants

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